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Teaching: Testimonials

Neuroanatomy from Klingler to neuroimaging

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Klingler dissection, 2018

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Zurich White Matter Microdissection Course

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London Neuroanatomy & Tractography course

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Munich Brain Course

Higher Education Teaching

As a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, I am a well-credentialed, experienced teacher and module leader, able to deliver high-quality content in the context of higher education.


I obtained my UK accreditation to examine and independently supervise PhD students in 2017. I have since served as an examiner for several PhDs. In 2021, I obtained my habilitation, an international qualification to direct research and supervise PhD students independently.

I have developed an open science state-of-the-art digital research infrastructure through my YouTube Partner channel. My team uses the platform to host journal clubs and talks and develop international collaborations. I aim to impact neuroscience teaching and freely share science education positively.



Radboud University, Nijmegen, module co-leader Communication in Cognitive Neuroscience


Intro: Writing an Academic application letter & CV

Writing an Academic application letter & CV

Evaluation of a paper – the editor’s perspective

Oral Presentations - Part I

Evaluation of a paper as part of the peer review process - the reviewer's perspective

Digital Content Creation for science communication

Presentations without Powerpoint

Creating and presenting a poster on your MSc work

Writing a research summary targeted at a more general, non-academic audience

Oral Presentations - Part II


University of Bordeaux, EMN International Master, model leader Neuroimaging (3 ECTS)

Introduction to neuroimaging
Brain models  (4 lectures)

Applications of neuroimaging

Comparative neuroimaging 

Neuropsychology & Neuroimaging 
Novel developments in neuroimaging
Hands-on sessions and practicals:

 Anatomy & tractography 

High dimensional data analysis


2011 - 2017

King's College London, MSc Neuroscience, module co-leader Neuroimaging

B1.27 Neurobiology of psychological treatments in psychiatric disorders
B6.2-3 From anatomy to function
B6.4 Post mortem and in vivo dissections
B6.6 Analysis of structural connectivity with diffusion MRI
B6.8 Analysis of functional integration with function MRI
B6.9 Perislylvian pathways
B6.11 Aphasias and Apraxias
B6.12 Fronto-parietal connections
B6.13  Fronto-parietal pathways for visuospatial processing
B6.14 Neglect Syndromes
B6.16 Visual occipital pathways and disorders of vision
B6.18 Interhemispheric callosal connections
B6.20 Split brain and other callosal disconnection syndromes
B6.30 Clinico Anatomical correlational method


University of Greenwich, BSc Applied Psychology, module leader Applied Clinical Neuropsychology:

1. Introduction to applied clinical neuropsychology

2. Introduction to neuroanatomy
3. Principles of neuropsychological assessments
4. Neuropsychological aspects of the frontal lobe (executive functions)
5. Disorders of perception and memory
6. Language and aphasias
7. Neurodegenerative disorders
8. Cognitive deficits in acquired disorders
9. Disorders of thought and mood (Schizophrenia and depression)
10.  The neuropsychology of Autism & ADHD
11. Neuropsychology and the law or Forensic Psychology


Hands-on Neuroscience (David Norris), NWI-NM099B-2022-JAAR-V, March 2023

As part of this course, I gave a lecture and associated tutorial on diffusion-weighted imaging.

Language Connectomics (Vitoria Piai), SOW-DGCN43-2022-SEM2-V, March 2023

This course is a 2*45min lecture on the foundation of connections neuroanatomy and its relevance to the neurobiology of language and language recovery.

It's all in the connections, NeuroNijmegen, Radboud UMC, February 2023

Vereniging op het gebied van neurologie, neurochirurgie en neurowetenschappen in Nijmegen

TRENDS in Cognitive Neuroscience (Lennart Verhagen), SOW-DGCN01-2022-JAAR-V, July 2022

This course aims to familiarize the student with key issues in cognitive neuroscience (as reported, e.g., in Trends in Neurosciences, Trends in Neurobiology, and Trends in Cognitive Science), to promote a critical reflection on current issues.

Diffusion MRINeuro 222: Brain Imaging and Brain Stimulation (David Shattuck), UCLA, April 2022
There are many brain imaging and brain stimulation approaches currently available that have been also combined in many different ways. These are exciting and rapidly evolving topics. Together we will explore various experimental approaches in brain imaging and brain stimulation, discussing their strengths and weaknesses. 

Visualisation of neuroimaging for neurosurgery - a tutorial, MSc Advanced Neuroimaging (George Samanduras), UCL Queen Square, London, April 2022

Tutorial on using tractography in combination with brain atlases and surgical stimulation sites using Trackvis and SurfIce software tools. Audience: MSc and senior students,  who are working on a number of exciting projects on neurooncology, clinical neuroscience, and brain mapping.

Brain lateralisation and language, Dublin City University, Ireland, 2022

This lecture introduces 2nd-year psychology students to the literature on language lateralisation and what split-brain patients taught us about hemispheric dominance.

Honours Lecture for Cognitive Neuroscience course at University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2021

This lecture introduces students to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and how this neuroimaging tool is used to study the anatomy and function of the healthy brain and brain pathologies. 

PSY 7113J Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior. Clinical PhD class, The City College CUNY, US, 2021
In this lecture, I discuss the basics of neuroimaging and how we can use these methods to study behaviour. 

Life in Academia - tutorial, Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience module, MSc Psychology, Padua University, Italy, 2020
This interactive tutorial is part of the Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience module of the Master course. I discuss with students what my experience has been of life in academia and answer their questions. 

Language & Aphasia, BSc Neuroscience, Dept. of Psychology at Columbia University, US, 2020
This course is designed to teach the brain-behaviour relationship through lesion and single case studies. 
The lecture is available on YouTube: 

Heroes and Villains: Psychology of Comic Books, BA Psychology, Caldwell University, US, 2020
This lecture introduced students to technological advances in brain-computer interface and brain-enhancement techniques displayed in graphic novels and comic books. We discussed these techniques' scientific origin, real-world applications, and possible ethical and biological obstacles to their realization.

3D printing as a neuroscience tool, Synthetic Anatomy, King's College London, UK, 2019
The module explores anatomical structure in various possible contexts: development, evolution, structure and function. Students will work on a pre-selected anatomical structural series or group of related structures in small groups. Groups will comprise collaborative teams of Biomedical Engineering and Biomedical Sciences students overseen by a designated tutor. Each group will 3D print anatomical components from image databases, 3D scans or designs and explore their anatomical significance through a co-designed webpage.

Research Carousel sessions, BSc Psychology, King's College London, UK, 2017-2019
In this interactive series of lectures, we introduce students to various neuroimaging methods and work through examples together with the students to reach an understanding of the potential benefits of one method over another, any issues (ethical, practical, or methodological) of using this technique, and what types of research these technologies can be used for.
Stroke and the impacts on cognition, MSc Neuroimaging, King's College London, UK, 2018.
This lecture looks at stroke's risk factors, causes and consequences from a medical and neuropsychological angle. 

Neuroanatomy, MSc Mental Health Studies, King’s College London, UK, 2017
Equipping students with knowledge within the mental health field and the opportunity to examine
one area further through theoretical and empirical research.

A systematic review on autism neuroimaging, Psychiatry Research, King’s College London, UK, 2013.
SSC Psychiatry Research aims to introduce medical students to the excitement and challenges of academic research in psychiatry.
Neuroanatomy of language and language disorder, Intercalated BSc Cognitive Neuropsychology, King’s College London, UK, 2013-2021.
The iBSc aims to provide medical students with an in-depth, critical understanding of research, theory and empirical findings in psychology. Involved in lecturing, and examination.
Neuroimaging, BSc Psychology, King’s College London, UK, 2018.
This interactive lecture was the first to introduce students to the breadth of neuroimaging sciences and interactively involve them in testing fMRI paradigms in the classroom.

Applied Clinical Neuropsychology, BSc Psychology, Greenwich University, UK, 2014.
In 2015 I was leading this module and taught a series of 11 lectures covering diverse topics:

1. Introduction to applied clinical neuropsychology

2. Introduction to neuroanatomy

3. Principles of neuropsychological assessments

4. Neuropsychological aspects of the frontal lobe (executive functions)

5. Disorders of perception and memory

6. Language and aphasias

7. Neurodegenerative disorders

8. Cognitive deficits in acquired disorders

9. Disorders of thought and mood (Schizophrenia and depression)

10.  The neuropsychology of Autism & ADHD

11. Neuropsychology and the law or Forensic Psychology

Connectional neuroimaging, MSc Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK, 2011- 2017.

I lectured on the MSc neuroimaging module every year on the following topics:

Split brain and other callosal disconnection syndromes

Visual occipital pathways

Projection pathways

Aphasia & Apraxia


MSc Neuroscience, King’s College London, UK.
I was tutoring the programme 'Teaching and Learning Support’ groups  (15 students per term). These highly interactive sessions are designed to support and fully engage small groups of our Students.

Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)
I have been a tutor and tutee with the OHBM postdoctoral scheme and greatly enjoyed the interactions and contacts established through this initiative.


Teaching: Text

©2020 by Stephanie Forkel.

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