In press in Brain
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In 2016, the University of Bordeaux ran a competition within the local neuroscience community to find a name for its new neuroscience building. The name of Paul Broca, who was born nearby in 1824, was chosen in honour of his origins and his contributions to neuroscience. Recently, however, a debate has been ignited about the appropriateness of this choice, given Broca’s endorsement of physiological anthropology. At a time when academic institutions worldwide are revising their curricula to better reflect the contributions of previously overlooked groups, how should we respond when the views of the ‘founding fathers’ of neurology clash with those of society today?
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Boraud Th & Forkel SJ. Paul Broca: from fame to shame? Brain, in press. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34092.59527